

file  dm-glx.h
file  dm-Null.h
file  dm-ogl.h
file  dm-pex.h
file  dm-plot.h
file  dm-ps.h
file  dm-tk.h
file  dm-wgl.h
file  dm-X.h
file  dm.h
file  dm_color.h
file  dm_xvars.h

Data Structures

struct  modifiable_glx_vars
struct  glx_vars
struct  modifiable_ogl_vars
struct  ogl_vars
struct  modifiable_pex_vars
struct  pex_vars
struct  plot_vars
struct  ps_vars
struct  Tk_vars
struct  modifiable_wgl_vars
struct  wgl_vars
struct  x_vars
struct  dm_vars
struct  dm
struct  dm_obj
 A display manager object is used for interacting with a display manager. More...
struct  dm_xvars


#define GED2IRIS(x)   (((float)(x))*0.00048828125)
#define Glx_MV_O(_m)   offsetof(struct modifiable_glx_vars, _m)
#define CMAP_BASE   40
#define GED2IRIS(x)   (((float)(x))*0.00048828125)
#define Ogl_MV_O(_m)   offsetof(struct modifiable_ogl_vars, _m)
#define GED_TO_Xx(_dmp, x)   ((int)(((x)/4096.0+0.5)*((struct pex_vars *)((_dmp)->dmr_vars))->width))
#define GED_TO_Xy(_dmp, x)   ((int)((0.5-(x)/4096.0)*((struct pex_vars *)((_dmp)->dmr_vars))->height))
#define Xx_TO_GED(_dmp, x)   ((int)(((x)/(double)((struct pex_vars *)((_dmp)->dmr_vars))->width - 0.5) * 4095))
#define Xy_TO_GED(_dmp, x)   ((int)((0.5 - (x)/(double)((struct pex_vars *)((_dmp)->dmr_vars))->height) * 4095))
#define TRY_DEPTHCUE   0
#define Pex_MV_O(_m)   offsetof(struct modifiable_pex_vars, _m)
#define GED_TO_PLOT(x)   (x)
#define PLOT_TO_GED(x)   (x)
#define GED_TO_PS(x)   ((int)((x)+2048))
#define CMAP_BASE   40
#define CUBE_DIMENSION   6
#define NUM_PIXELS   216
#define ColormapNull   (Colormap *)NULL
#define CMAP_BASE   40
#define GED2IRIS(x)   (((float)(x))*0.00048828125)
#define Wgl_MV_O(_m)   offsetof(struct modifiable_wgl_vars, _m)
#define CMAP_BASE   40
#define CUBE_DIMENSION   6
#define NUM_PIXELS   216
#define ColormapNull   (Colormap *)NULL
#define DM_EXPORT
#define DM_NULL   (struct dm *)NULL
#define DM_MIN   (-2048)
#define DM_MAX   (2047)
#define X   0
#define Y   1
#define Z   2
#define DM_O(_m)   offsetof(struct dm, _m)
#define GED_MAX   2047.0
#define GED_MIN   -2048.0
#define GED_RANGE   4095.0
#define INV_GED   0.00048828125
#define INV_4096   0.000244140625
#define DIVBY4096(x)   (((double)(x))*INV_4096)
#define GED_TO_Xx(_dmp, x)   ((int)((DIVBY4096(x)+0.5)*_dmp->dm_width))
#define GED_TO_Xy(_dmp, x)   ((int)((0.5-DIVBY4096(x))*_dmp->dm_height))
#define Xx_TO_GED(_dmp, x)   ((int)(((x)/(double)_dmp->dm_width - 0.5) * GED_RANGE))
#define Xy_TO_GED(_dmp, x)   ((int)((0.5 - (x)/(double)_dmp->dm_height) * GED_RANGE))
#define FONTBACK   "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-m-60-iso8859-1"
#define FONT5   "5x7"
#define FONT6   "6x10"
#define FONT7   "7x13"
#define FONT8   "8x13"
#define FONT9   "9x15"
#define DM_TYPE_BAD   -1
#define DM_TYPE_NULL   0
#define DM_TYPE_PLOT   1
#define DM_TYPE_PS   2
#define DM_TYPE_X   3
#define DM_TYPE_OGL   4
#define DM_TYPE_GLX   5
#define DM_TYPE_PEX   6
#define DM_TYPE_WGL   7
#define DM_SOLID_LINE   0
#define DM_DASHED_LINE   1
#define IS_DM_TYPE_NULL(_t)   ((_t) == DM_TYPE_NULL)
#define IS_DM_TYPE_PLOT(_t)   ((_t) == DM_TYPE_PLOT)
#define IS_DM_TYPE_PS(_t)   ((_t) == DM_TYPE_PS)
#define IS_DM_TYPE_X(_t)   ((_t) == DM_TYPE_X)
#define IS_DM_TYPE_OGL(_t)   ((_t) == DM_TYPE_OGL)
#define IS_DM_TYPE_GLX(_t)   ((_t) == DM_TYPE_GLX)
#define IS_DM_TYPE_PEX(_t)   ((_t) == DM_TYPE_PEX)
#define IS_DM_TYPE_WGL(_t)   ((_t) == DM_TYPE_WGL)
#define GET_DM(p, structure, w, hp)
#define DM_COLOR_HI   ((short)230)
#define DM_COLOR_LOW   ((short)0)
#define DM_RED_R   DM_COLOR_HI
#define DM_COPY_COLOR(_dr, _dg, _db, _sr, _sg, _sb)
#define DM_SAME_COLOR(_dr, _dg, _db, _sr, _sg, _sb)
#define DM_CHGV_REDO   0
#define DM_CHGV_ADD   1
#define DM_CHGV_DEL   2
#define DM_CHGV_REPL   3
#define DM_CHGV_ILLUM   4
#define LIGHT_OFF   0
#define LIGHT_ON   1
#define LIGHT_RESET   2
#define DM_OPEN(_type, _argc, _argv)   dm_open(_type,_argc,_argv)
#define DM_CLOSE(_dmp)   _dmp->dm_close(_dmp)
#define DM_DRAW_BEGIN(_dmp)   _dmp->dm_drawBegin(_dmp)
#define DM_DRAW_END(_dmp)   _dmp->dm_drawEnd(_dmp)
#define DM_NORMAL(_dmp)   _dmp->dm_normal(_dmp)
#define DM_LOADMATRIX(_dmp, _mat, _eye)   _dmp->dm_loadMatrix(_dmp,_mat,_eye)
#define DM_DRAW_STRING_2D(_dmp, _str, _x, _y, _size, _use_aspect)   _dmp->dm_drawString2D(_dmp,_str,_x,_y,_size,_use_aspect)
#define DM_DRAW_LINE_2D(_dmp, _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2)   _dmp->dm_drawLine2D(_dmp,_x1,_y1,_x2,_y2)
#define DM_DRAW_POINT_2D(_dmp, _x, _y)   _dmp->dm_drawPoint2D(_dmp,_x,_y)
#define DM_DRAW_VLIST(_dmp, _vlist)   _dmp->dm_drawVList(_dmp,_vlist)
#define DM_SET_FGCOLOR(_dmp, _r, _g, _b, _strict, _transparency)   _dmp->dm_setFGColor(_dmp,_r,_g,_b,_strict,_transparency)
#define DM_SET_BGCOLOR(_dmp, _r, _g, _b)   _dmp->dm_setBGColor(_dmp,_r,_g,_b)
#define DM_SET_LINE_ATTR(_dmp, _width, _dashed)   _dmp->dm_setLineAttr(_dmp,_width,_dashed)
#define DM_CONFIGURE_WIN(_dmp)   _dmp->dm_configureWin(_dmp)
#define DM_SET_WIN_BOUNDS(_dmp, _w)   _dmp->dm_setWinBounds(_dmp,_w)
#define DM_SET_LIGHT(_dmp, _on)   _dmp->dm_setLight(_dmp,_on)
#define DM_SET_TRANSPARENCY(_dmp, _on)   _dmp->dm_setTransparency(_dmp,_on)
#define DM_SET_DEPTH_MASK(_dmp, _on)   _dmp->dm_setDepthMask(_dmp,_on)
#define DM_SET_ZBUFFER(_dmp, _on)   _dmp->dm_setZBuffer(_dmp,_on)
#define DM_DEBUG(_dmp, _lvl)   _dmp->dm_debug(_dmp,_lvl)
#define DM_BEGINDLIST(_dmp, _list)   _dmp->dm_beginDList(_dmp,_list)
#define DM_ENDDLIST(_dmp)   _dmp->dm_endDList(_dmp)
#define DM_DRAWDLIST(_dmp, _list)   _dmp->dm_drawDList(_dmp,_list)
#define DM_FREEDLISTS(_dmp, _list, _range)   _dmp->dm_freeDLists(_dmp,_list,_range)
#define XVARS_MV_O(_m)   offsetof(struct dm_xvars, _m)


void glx_clearToBlack ()
void ogl_fogHint ()
void Pex_configure_window_shape ()
void Pex_establish_perspective ()
void Pex_set_perspective ()
void wgl_fogHint ()
DM_EXPORT int Dm_Init ()
DM_EXPORT struct dmdm_open (Tcl_Interp *interp, int type, int argc, char *argv[])
DM_EXPORT int dm_share_dlist (struct dm *dmp1, struct dm *dmp2)
DM_EXPORT fastf_t dm_Xx2Normal (struct dm *dmp, register int x)
DM_EXPORT int dm_Normal2Xx (struct dm *dmp, register fastf_t f)
DM_EXPORT fastf_t dm_Xy2Normal (struct dm *dmp, register int y, int use_aspect)
DM_EXPORT int dm_Normal2Xy (struct dm *dmp, register fastf_t f, int use_aspect)
DM_EXPORT void dm_fogHint (struct dm *dmp, int fastfog)
DM_EXPORT int dm_processOptions ()
DM_EXPORT int dm_limit (int i)
DM_EXPORT int dm_unlimit (int i)
DM_EXPORT fastf_t dm_wrap (fastf_t f)
DM_EXPORT void Nu_void ()
DM_EXPORT struct dmNu_open ()
DM_EXPORT int Nu_int0 ()
DM_EXPORT unsigned Nu_unsign ()
DM_EXPORT int clip (fastf_t *, fastf_t *, fastf_t *, fastf_t *)
DM_EXPORT int vclip (fastf_t *, fastf_t *, register fastf_t *, register fastf_t *)
DM_EXPORT void dmo_drawAxes_cmd (struct dm *dmp, fastf_t viewSize, mat_t rmat, point_t axesPos, fastf_t axesSize, int *axesColor, int *labelColor, int lineWidth, int posOnly, int threeColor, int tickEnable, int tickLen, int majorTickLen, fastf_t tickInterval, int ticksPerMajor, int *tickColor, int *majorTickColor, int tickThreshold)
unsigned long dm_get_pixel (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, long unsigned int *pixels, int cd)
void dm_copy_default_colors ()
void dm_allocate_color_cube ()


glx_vars head_glx_vars
pex_vars head_pex_vars
plot_vars head_plot_vars
ps_vars head_ps_vars
DM_EXPORT struct dm dm_Null
DM_EXPORT char dm_version []

Define Documentation

#define GED2IRIS x   )     (((float)(x))*0.00048828125)

Definition at line 30 of file dm-glx.h.

#define Glx_MV_O _m   )     offsetof(struct modifiable_glx_vars, _m)

Definition at line 32 of file dm-glx.h.

#define CMAP_BASE   40

Definition at line 30 of file dm-ogl.h.

#define GED2IRIS x   )     (((float)(x))*0.00048828125)

Definition at line 33 of file dm-ogl.h.

#define Ogl_MV_O _m   )     offsetof(struct modifiable_ogl_vars, _m)

Definition at line 35 of file dm-ogl.h.

#define GED_TO_Xx _dmp,
x   )     ((int)(((x)/4096.0+0.5)*((struct pex_vars *)((_dmp)->dmr_vars))->width))

Definition at line 34 of file dm-pex.h.

#define GED_TO_Xy _dmp,
x   )     ((int)((0.5-(x)/4096.0)*((struct pex_vars *)((_dmp)->dmr_vars))->height))

Definition at line 35 of file dm-pex.h.

#define Xx_TO_GED _dmp,
x   )     ((int)(((x)/(double)((struct pex_vars *)((_dmp)->dmr_vars))->width - 0.5) * 4095))

Definition at line 36 of file dm-pex.h.

#define Xy_TO_GED _dmp,
x   )     ((int)((0.5 - (x)/(double)((struct pex_vars *)((_dmp)->dmr_vars))->height) * 4095))

Definition at line 37 of file dm-pex.h.

#define TRY_DEPTHCUE   0

Definition at line 39 of file dm-pex.h.

#define Pex_MV_O _m   )     offsetof(struct modifiable_pex_vars, _m)

Definition at line 40 of file dm-pex.h.

#define GED_TO_PLOT x   )     (x)

Definition at line 34 of file dm-plot.h.

#define PLOT_TO_GED x   )     (x)

Definition at line 35 of file dm-plot.h.

#define GED_TO_PS x   )     ((int)((x)+2048))

Definition at line 34 of file dm-ps.h.

#define CMAP_BASE   40

Definition at line 30 of file dm-tk.h.

#define CUBE_DIMENSION   6

Definition at line 31 of file dm-tk.h.

#define NUM_PIXELS   216

Definition at line 32 of file dm-tk.h.

#define ColormapNull   (Colormap *)NULL

Definition at line 33 of file dm-tk.h.

#define CMAP_BASE   40

Definition at line 30 of file dm-wgl.h.

#define GED2IRIS x   )     (((float)(x))*0.00048828125)

Definition at line 33 of file dm-wgl.h.

#define Wgl_MV_O _m   )     offsetof(struct modifiable_wgl_vars, _m)

Definition at line 35 of file dm-wgl.h.

#define CMAP_BASE   40

Definition at line 35 of file dm-X.h.

#define CUBE_DIMENSION   6

Definition at line 36 of file dm-X.h.

#define NUM_PIXELS   216

Definition at line 37 of file dm-X.h.

#define ColormapNull   (Colormap *)NULL

Definition at line 38 of file dm-X.h.

#define DM_EXPORT

Definition at line 37 of file dm.h.

#define DM_NULL   (struct dm *)NULL

Definition at line 49 of file dm.h.

#define DM_MIN   (-2048)

Definition at line 50 of file dm.h.

#define DM_MAX   (2047)

Definition at line 51 of file dm.h.

#define X   0

Definition at line 52 of file dm.h.

Referenced by anim_mat2quat(), anim_quat2mat(), bend_pipe_shot(), bn_ae_vec(), bn_aet_vec(), bn_area_of_triangle(), bn_cmd_noise_perlin(), bn_cmd_noise_slice(), bn_eigen2x2(), bn_hlf_class(), bn_htov_move(), bn_isect_2planes(), bn_isect_line2_line2(), bn_isect_line2_lseg2(), bn_isect_line3_line3(), bn_mat_arb_rot(), bn_mat_fromto(), bn_mat_lookat(), bn_mkpoint_3planes(), bn_noise_perlin(), bn_noise_vec(), bn_vec_ortho(), bn_vec_perp(), bn_vlist_3string(), bn_vlist_rpp(), ControlPolygonFlatEnough(), dgo_autoview(), dgo_get_autoview_cmd(), dgo_get_eyemodel_cmd(), dgo_nirt_cmd(), dgo_vnirt_cmd(), dsp_pos(), get_seg_midpoint(), inverse_dir(), isect_2D_loop_ray(), linear_pipe_shot(), nmg_calc_face_plane(), nmg_ck_fg(), nmg_class_ray_vs_shell(), nmg_edge_g(), nmg_face_bb(), nmg_find_top_face(), nmg_isect_line2_edge2p(), nmg_isect_two_generic_faces(), nmg_loop_g(), nmg_loop_plane_newell(), nmg_pr_f(), nmg_pr_lg(), nmg_pr_sa(), nmg_snurb_is_planar(), nmg_vfg(), nmg_vlblock_around_eu(), pdv_3box(), project_pt(), PvsV(), quat_mat2quat(), quat_print(), quat_quat2mat(), quat_slerp(), rt_advance_to_next_cell(), rt_arb_describe(), rt_arb_setup(), rt_arbn_describe(), rt_arbn_export(), rt_arbn_export5(), rt_arc2d_to_cnurb(), rt_ars_describe(), rt_ars_shot(), rt_bend_pipe_prep(), rt_bot_find_v_nearest_pt2(), rt_cell_n_on_ray(), rt_ct_measure(), rt_ct_optim(), rt_ct_plan(), rt_DB_rpp(), rt_dsp_norm(), rt_dsp_plot(), rt_dsp_prep(), rt_dsp_shot(), rt_dsp_uv(), rt_ebm_dda(), rt_ebm_shot(), rt_ebm_uv(), rt_ehy_curve(), rt_ehy_describe(), rt_ehy_norm(), rt_ehy_plot(), rt_ehy_prep(), rt_ehy_shot(), rt_ehy_tess(), rt_ehy_uv(), rt_ell4(), rt_ell_ang(), rt_ell_curve(), rt_ell_describe(), rt_ell_norm(), rt_ell_prep(), rt_ell_uv(), rt_epa_curve(), rt_epa_describe(), rt_epa_norm(), rt_epa_plot(), rt_epa_prep(), rt_epa_shot(), rt_epa_tess(), rt_epa_uv(), rt_eto_curve(), rt_eto_describe(), rt_eto_norm(), rt_eto_plot(), rt_eto_prep(), rt_eto_print(), rt_eto_shot(), rt_eto_tess(), rt_eto_uv(), rt_find_fallback_angle(), rt_fr_cut(), rt_gettrees_muves(), rt_hf_uv(), rt_in_rpp(), rt_metaball_prep(), rt_mk_hyperbola(), rt_mk_parabola(), rt_nmg_shot(), rt_nurb_describe(), rt_part_describe(), rt_part_norm(), rt_part_plot(), rt_part_prep(), rt_part_shot(), rt_part_uv(), rt_pg_describe(), rt_pipe_describe(), rt_pipe_norm(), rt_pipe_prep(), rt_plot_cut(), rt_prep_parallel(), rt_projXmax_comp(), rt_projXmin_comp(), rt_rec_prep(), rt_rec_shot(), rt_rec_uv(), rt_rec_vshot(), rt_rhc_describe(), rt_rhc_prep(), rt_rhc_shot(), rt_rhc_uv(), rt_rpc_describe(), rt_rpc_prep(), rt_rpc_shot(), rt_rpc_uv(), rt_shootray(), rt_shootray_bundle(), rt_smooth_bot(), rt_sph_prep(), rt_sph_uv(), rt_submodel_a_hit(), rt_submodel_uv(), rt_superell_describe(), rt_superell_prep(), rt_superell_shot(), rt_tgc_curve(), rt_tgc_describe(), rt_tgc_norm(), rt_tgc_prep(), rt_tgc_uv(), rt_tgc_vshot(), rt_tor_curve(), rt_tor_describe(), rt_tor_norm(), rt_tor_prep(), rt_tor_shot(), rt_tor_uv(), rt_tor_vshot(), rt_vol_shot(), rt_xxx_describe(), seg_to_vlist(), shoot_and_plot(), tp_3axis(), tp_3symbol(), vo_aet_cmd(), vo_arot_cmd(), vo_center_cmd(), vo_eye_cmd(), vo_eye_pos_cmd(), vo_keypoint_cmd(), vo_lookat_cmd(), vo_m2vPoint_cmd(), vo_mrot_cmd(), vo_mrotPoint_cmd(), vo_rot_cmd(), vo_setview(), vo_setview_cmd(), vo_slew_cmd(), vo_tra_cmd(), vo_v2mPoint_cmd(), vo_vrot_cmd(), wdb_make_bb_cmd(), wdb_move_arb_edge_cmd(), wdb_move_arb_face_cmd(), wdb_ocenter_cmd(), wdb_orotate_cmd(), wdb_oscale_cmd(), wdb_otranslate_cmd(), wdb_rotate_arb_face_cmd(), and XGLUE().

#define Y   1

Definition at line 53 of file dm.h.

Referenced by anim_mat2quat(), anim_quat2mat(), bend_pipe_shot(), bn_ae_vec(), bn_aet_vec(), bn_area_of_triangle(), bn_cmd_noise_perlin(), bn_cmd_noise_slice(), bn_eigen2x2(), bn_hlf_class(), bn_htov_move(), bn_isect_2planes(), bn_isect_line2_line2(), bn_isect_line2_lseg2(), bn_isect_line3_line3(), bn_mat_arb_rot(), bn_mat_fromto(), bn_mat_lookat(), bn_mkpoint_3planes(), bn_noise_perlin(), bn_noise_vec(), bn_vec_ortho(), bn_vec_perp(), bn_vlist_3string(), bn_vlist_rpp(), ControlPolygonFlatEnough(), dgo_autoview(), dgo_get_autoview_cmd(), dgo_get_eyemodel_cmd(), dgo_nirt_cmd(), dgo_vnirt_cmd(), dsp_pos(), get_seg_midpoint(), inverse_dir(), isect_2D_loop_ray(), linear_pipe_shot(), nmg_calc_face_plane(), nmg_ck_fg(), nmg_class_ray_vs_shell(), nmg_edge_g(), nmg_face_bb(), nmg_isect_line2_edge2p(), nmg_isect_two_generic_faces(), nmg_loop_g(), nmg_loop_plane_newell(), nmg_mirror_model(), nmg_pr_f(), nmg_pr_lg(), nmg_pr_sa(), nmg_snurb_is_planar(), nmg_vfg(), nmg_vlblock_around_eu(), pdv_3box(), project_pt(), PvsV(), quat_mat2quat(), quat_print(), quat_quat2mat(), quat_slerp(), rt_advance_to_next_cell(), rt_arb_describe(), rt_arb_setup(), rt_arbn_describe(), rt_arbn_export(), rt_arbn_export5(), rt_arc2d_to_cnurb(), rt_ars_describe(), rt_bend_pipe_prep(), rt_bot_find_v_nearest_pt2(), rt_cell_n_on_ray(), rt_ct_measure(), rt_cut_it(), rt_DB_rpp(), rt_dsp_norm(), rt_dsp_plot(), rt_dsp_prep(), rt_dsp_shot(), rt_dsp_uv(), rt_ebm_dda(), rt_ebm_shot(), rt_ebm_uv(), rt_ehy_curve(), rt_ehy_describe(), rt_ehy_norm(), rt_ehy_plot(), rt_ehy_prep(), rt_ehy_shot(), rt_ehy_tess(), rt_ehy_uv(), rt_ell4(), rt_ell_ang(), rt_ell_curve(), rt_ell_describe(), rt_ell_prep(), rt_ell_uv(), rt_epa_curve(), rt_epa_describe(), rt_epa_norm(), rt_epa_plot(), rt_epa_prep(), rt_epa_shot(), rt_epa_tess(), rt_epa_uv(), rt_eto_curve(), rt_eto_describe(), rt_eto_norm(), rt_eto_plot(), rt_eto_prep(), rt_eto_print(), rt_eto_shot(), rt_eto_tess(), rt_eto_uv(), rt_find_fallback_angle(), rt_fr_cut(), rt_hf_uv(), rt_in_rpp(), rt_metaball_prep(), rt_mk_hyperbola(), rt_mk_parabola(), rt_nmg_shot(), rt_nurb_describe(), rt_part_describe(), rt_part_norm(), rt_part_prep(), rt_part_shot(), rt_part_uv(), rt_pg_describe(), rt_pipe_describe(), rt_pipe_norm(), rt_pipe_prep(), rt_plot_cut(), rt_prep_parallel(), rt_projYmax_comp(), rt_projYmin_comp(), rt_rec_prep(), rt_rec_shot(), rt_rec_uv(), rt_rec_vshot(), rt_rhc_curve(), rt_rhc_describe(), rt_rhc_norm(), rt_rhc_prep(), rt_rhc_shot(), rt_rhc_tess(), rt_rhc_uv(), rt_rpc_curve(), rt_rpc_describe(), rt_rpc_norm(), rt_rpc_prep(), rt_rpc_shot(), rt_rpc_tess(), rt_rpc_uv(), rt_shootray(), rt_shootray_bundle(), rt_smooth_bot(), rt_sph_prep(), rt_sph_uv(), rt_submodel_a_hit(), rt_submodel_uv(), rt_superell_describe(), rt_superell_prep(), rt_superell_shot(), rt_tgc_curve(), rt_tgc_describe(), rt_tgc_norm(), rt_tgc_prep(), rt_tgc_uv(), rt_tgc_vshot(), rt_tor_curve(), rt_tor_describe(), rt_tor_norm(), rt_tor_prep(), rt_tor_shot(), rt_tor_uv(), rt_tor_vshot(), rt_vol_shot(), rt_xxx_describe(), seg_to_vlist(), shoot_and_plot(), tp_3axis(), tp_3symbol(), vo_aet_cmd(), vo_arot_cmd(), vo_center_cmd(), vo_eye_cmd(), vo_eye_pos_cmd(), vo_keypoint_cmd(), vo_lookat_cmd(), vo_m2vPoint_cmd(), vo_mrot_cmd(), vo_mrotPoint_cmd(), vo_rot_cmd(), vo_setview(), vo_setview_cmd(), vo_slew_cmd(), vo_tra_cmd(), vo_v2mPoint_cmd(), vo_vrot_cmd(), wdb_make_bb_cmd(), wdb_move_arb_edge_cmd(), wdb_move_arb_face_cmd(), wdb_ocenter_cmd(), wdb_orotate_cmd(), wdb_oscale_cmd(), wdb_otranslate_cmd(), wdb_rotate_arb_face_cmd(), and XGLUE().

#define Z   2

Definition at line 54 of file dm.h.

Referenced by anim_mat2quat(), anim_quat2mat(), bend_pipe_shot(), bn_ae_vec(), bn_area_of_triangle(), bn_cmd_noise_perlin(), bn_cmd_noise_slice(), bn_hlf_class(), bn_htov_move(), bn_isect_2planes(), bn_isect_line3_line3(), bn_mat_arb_rot(), bn_mat_fromto(), bn_mat_lookat(), bn_mkpoint_3planes(), bn_noise_perlin(), bn_noise_vec(), bn_vec_ortho(), bn_vec_perp(), bn_vlist_3string(), bn_vlist_rpp(), dgo_autoview(), dgo_get_autoview_cmd(), dgo_get_eyemodel_cmd(), dgo_nirt_cmd(), dgo_vnirt_cmd(), inverse_dir(), linear_pipe_shot(), nmg_calc_face_plane(), nmg_ck_fg(), nmg_class_ray_vs_shell(), nmg_edge_g(), nmg_face_bb(), nmg_find_top_face(), nmg_find_top_face_in_dir(), nmg_isect2d_prep(), nmg_isect_line2_edge2p(), nmg_isect_two_generic_faces(), nmg_loop_g(), nmg_loop_plane_newell(), nmg_pr_f(), nmg_pr_lg(), nmg_pr_sa(), nmg_snurb_is_planar(), nmg_vfg(), nmg_vlblock_around_eu(), pdv_3box(), quat_mat2quat(), quat_print(), quat_quat2mat(), quat_slerp(), rt_advance_to_next_cell(), rt_arb_describe(), rt_arb_setup(), rt_arbn_describe(), rt_arbn_export(), rt_arbn_export5(), rt_arc2d_to_cnurb(), rt_ars_describe(), rt_bend_pipe_prep(), rt_cell_n_on_ray(), rt_ct_measure(), rt_ct_optim(), rt_ct_plan(), rt_cut_optimize_parallel(), rt_DB_rpp(), rt_dsp_norm(), rt_dsp_plot(), rt_dsp_prep(), rt_ebm_dda(), rt_ebm_plate(), rt_ebm_shot(), rt_ehy_prep(), rt_ehy_shot(), rt_ell4(), rt_ell_ang(), rt_ell_describe(), rt_ell_prep(), rt_ell_uv(), rt_epa_describe(), rt_epa_plot(), rt_epa_prep(), rt_epa_shot(), rt_epa_tess(), rt_epa_uv(), rt_eto_describe(), rt_eto_norm(), rt_eto_prep(), rt_eto_print(), rt_eto_shot(), rt_extrude_shot(), rt_find_fallback_angle(), rt_fr_cut(), rt_in_rpp(), rt_metaball_prep(), rt_mk_hyperbola(), rt_mk_parabola(), rt_nmg_shot(), rt_nurb_describe(), rt_part_curve(), rt_part_describe(), rt_part_norm(), rt_part_prep(), rt_part_shot(), rt_part_uv(), rt_pg_describe(), rt_pipe_describe(), rt_pipe_norm(), rt_pipe_prep(), rt_plot_cut(), rt_prep_parallel(), rt_process_uplot_value(), rt_projZmax_comp(), rt_projZmin_comp(), rt_rec_norm(), rt_rec_prep(), rt_rec_shot(), rt_rec_uv(), rt_rec_vshot(), rt_rhc_describe(), rt_rhc_norm(), rt_rhc_prep(), rt_rhc_shot(), rt_rhc_tess(), rt_rhc_uv(), rt_rpc_describe(), rt_rpc_prep(), rt_rpc_shot(), rt_rpc_uv(), rt_shootray(), rt_shootray_bundle(), rt_smooth_bot(), rt_sph_prep(), rt_sph_uv(), rt_submodel_a_hit(), rt_submodel_uv(), rt_superell_describe(), rt_superell_prep(), rt_superell_shot(), rt_tgc_prep(), rt_tgc_shot(), rt_tor_curve(), rt_tor_describe(), rt_tor_norm(), rt_tor_prep(), rt_tor_shot(), rt_tor_uv(), rt_tor_vshot(), rt_vol_shot(), rt_xxx_describe(), shoot_and_plot(), tp_3axis(), tp_3symbol(), vo_aet_cmd(), vo_arot_cmd(), vo_center_cmd(), vo_eye_cmd(), vo_eye_pos_cmd(), vo_keypoint_cmd(), vo_lookat_cmd(), vo_m2vPoint_cmd(), vo_mrot_cmd(), vo_mrotPoint_cmd(), vo_rot_cmd(), vo_setview(), vo_setview_cmd(), vo_slew_cmd(), vo_tra_cmd(), vo_v2mPoint_cmd(), vo_vrot_cmd(), wdb_make_bb_cmd(), wdb_move_arb_edge_cmd(), wdb_move_arb_face_cmd(), wdb_ocenter_cmd(), wdb_orotate_cmd(), wdb_oscale_cmd(), wdb_otranslate_cmd(), wdb_rotate_arb_face_cmd(), and XGLUE().

#define DM_O _m   )     offsetof(struct dm, _m)

Definition at line 56 of file dm.h.

#define GED_MAX   2047.0

Definition at line 58 of file dm.h.

#define GED_MIN   -2048.0

Definition at line 59 of file dm.h.

#define GED_RANGE   4095.0

Definition at line 60 of file dm.h.

#define INV_GED   0.00048828125

Definition at line 61 of file dm.h.

#define INV_4096   0.000244140625

Definition at line 62 of file dm.h.

#define DIVBY4096 x   )     (((double)(x))*INV_4096)

Definition at line 69 of file dm.h.

#define GED_TO_Xx _dmp,
x   )     ((int)((DIVBY4096(x)+0.5)*_dmp->dm_width))

Definition at line 70 of file dm.h.

#define GED_TO_Xy _dmp,
x   )     ((int)((0.5-DIVBY4096(x))*_dmp->dm_height))

Definition at line 71 of file dm.h.

#define Xx_TO_GED _dmp,
x   )     ((int)(((x)/(double)_dmp->dm_width - 0.5) * GED_RANGE))

Definition at line 72 of file dm.h.

#define Xy_TO_GED _dmp,
x   )     ((int)((0.5 - (x)/(double)_dmp->dm_height) * GED_RANGE))

Definition at line 73 of file dm.h.

#define FONTBACK   "-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-m-60-iso8859-1"

Definition at line 80 of file dm.h.

#define FONT5   "5x7"

Definition at line 81 of file dm.h.

#define FONT6   "6x10"

Definition at line 82 of file dm.h.

#define FONT7   "7x13"

Definition at line 83 of file dm.h.

#define FONT8   "8x13"

Definition at line 84 of file dm.h.

#define FONT9   "9x15"

Definition at line 85 of file dm.h.

#define DM_TYPE_BAD   -1

Definition at line 88 of file dm.h.

#define DM_TYPE_NULL   0

Definition at line 89 of file dm.h.

#define DM_TYPE_PLOT   1

Definition at line 90 of file dm.h.

#define DM_TYPE_PS   2

Definition at line 91 of file dm.h.

#define DM_TYPE_X   3

Definition at line 92 of file dm.h.

#define DM_TYPE_OGL   4

Definition at line 93 of file dm.h.

#define DM_TYPE_GLX   5

Definition at line 94 of file dm.h.

#define DM_TYPE_PEX   6

Definition at line 95 of file dm.h.

#define DM_TYPE_WGL   7

Definition at line 96 of file dm.h.

#define DM_SOLID_LINE   0

Definition at line 99 of file dm.h.

#define DM_DASHED_LINE   1

Definition at line 100 of file dm.h.

#define IS_DM_TYPE_NULL _t   )     ((_t) == DM_TYPE_NULL)

Definition at line 102 of file dm.h.

#define IS_DM_TYPE_PLOT _t   )     ((_t) == DM_TYPE_PLOT)

Definition at line 103 of file dm.h.

#define IS_DM_TYPE_PS _t   )     ((_t) == DM_TYPE_PS)

Definition at line 104 of file dm.h.

#define IS_DM_TYPE_X _t   )     ((_t) == DM_TYPE_X)

Definition at line 105 of file dm.h.

#define IS_DM_TYPE_OGL _t   )     ((_t) == DM_TYPE_OGL)

Definition at line 106 of file dm.h.

#define IS_DM_TYPE_GLX _t   )     ((_t) == DM_TYPE_GLX)

Definition at line 107 of file dm.h.

#define IS_DM_TYPE_PEX _t   )     ((_t) == DM_TYPE_PEX)

Definition at line 108 of file dm.h.

#define IS_DM_TYPE_WGL _t   )     ((_t) == DM_TYPE_WGL)

Definition at line 109 of file dm.h.

#define GET_DM p,
hp   ) 


{ \
        register struct structure *tp; \
        for(BU_LIST_FOR(tp, structure, hp)) { \
                if(w == tp->win) { \
                        (p) = tp; \
                        break; \
                } \
        } \
        if(BU_LIST_IS_HEAD(tp, hp)) \
                p = (struct structure *)NULL; \

Definition at line 111 of file dm.h.

#define DM_COLOR_HI   ((short)230)

Definition at line 125 of file dm.h.

#define DM_COLOR_LOW   ((short)0)

Definition at line 126 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 127 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 128 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 129 of file dm.h.

#define DM_RED_R   DM_COLOR_HI

Definition at line 130 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 131 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 132 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 133 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 134 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 135 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 136 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 137 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 138 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 139 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 140 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 141 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 142 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 143 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 144 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 145 of file dm.h.


Definition at line 146 of file dm.h.

#define DM_COPY_COLOR _dr,
_sb   ) 


        (_dr) = (_sr);\
        (_dg) = (_sg);\
        (_db) = (_sb); }

Definition at line 147 of file dm.h.

#define DM_SAME_COLOR _dr,
_sb   ) 


        (_dr) == (_sr) &&\
        (_dg) == (_sg) &&\
        (_db) == (_sb))

Definition at line 151 of file dm.h.

#define DM_CHGV_REDO   0

Definition at line 157 of file dm.h.

#define DM_CHGV_ADD   1

Definition at line 158 of file dm.h.

#define DM_CHGV_DEL   2

Definition at line 159 of file dm.h.

#define DM_CHGV_REPL   3

Definition at line 160 of file dm.h.

#define DM_CHGV_ILLUM   4

Definition at line 161 of file dm.h.

#define LIGHT_OFF   0

Definition at line 167 of file dm.h.

#define LIGHT_ON   1

Definition at line 168 of file dm.h.

#define LIGHT_RESET   2

Definition at line 169 of file dm.h.

#define DM_OPEN _type,
_argv   )     dm_open(_type,_argc,_argv)

Definition at line 255 of file dm.h.

#define DM_CLOSE _dmp   )     _dmp->dm_close(_dmp)

Definition at line 256 of file dm.h.

#define DM_DRAW_BEGIN _dmp   )     _dmp->dm_drawBegin(_dmp)

Definition at line 257 of file dm.h.

#define DM_DRAW_END _dmp   )     _dmp->dm_drawEnd(_dmp)

Definition at line 258 of file dm.h.

#define DM_NORMAL _dmp   )     _dmp->dm_normal(_dmp)

Definition at line 259 of file dm.h.

#define DM_LOADMATRIX _dmp,
_eye   )     _dmp->dm_loadMatrix(_dmp,_mat,_eye)

Definition at line 260 of file dm.h.

#define DM_DRAW_STRING_2D _dmp,
_use_aspect   )     _dmp->dm_drawString2D(_dmp,_str,_x,_y,_size,_use_aspect)

Definition at line 261 of file dm.h.

#define DM_DRAW_LINE_2D _dmp,
_y2   )     _dmp->dm_drawLine2D(_dmp,_x1,_y1,_x2,_y2)

Definition at line 263 of file dm.h.

#define DM_DRAW_POINT_2D _dmp,
_y   )     _dmp->dm_drawPoint2D(_dmp,_x,_y)

Definition at line 264 of file dm.h.

#define DM_DRAW_VLIST _dmp,
_vlist   )     _dmp->dm_drawVList(_dmp,_vlist)

Definition at line 265 of file dm.h.

#define DM_SET_FGCOLOR _dmp,
_transparency   )     _dmp->dm_setFGColor(_dmp,_r,_g,_b,_strict,_transparency)

Definition at line 266 of file dm.h.

#define DM_SET_BGCOLOR _dmp,
_b   )     _dmp->dm_setBGColor(_dmp,_r,_g,_b)

Definition at line 267 of file dm.h.

#define DM_SET_LINE_ATTR _dmp,
_dashed   )     _dmp->dm_setLineAttr(_dmp,_width,_dashed)

Definition at line 268 of file dm.h.

#define DM_CONFIGURE_WIN _dmp   )     _dmp->dm_configureWin(_dmp)

Definition at line 269 of file dm.h.

#define DM_SET_WIN_BOUNDS _dmp,
_w   )     _dmp->dm_setWinBounds(_dmp,_w)

Definition at line 270 of file dm.h.

#define DM_SET_LIGHT _dmp,
_on   )     _dmp->dm_setLight(_dmp,_on)

Definition at line 271 of file dm.h.

_on   )     _dmp->dm_setTransparency(_dmp,_on)

Definition at line 272 of file dm.h.

#define DM_SET_DEPTH_MASK _dmp,
_on   )     _dmp->dm_setDepthMask(_dmp,_on)

Definition at line 273 of file dm.h.

#define DM_SET_ZBUFFER _dmp,
_on   )     _dmp->dm_setZBuffer(_dmp,_on)

Definition at line 274 of file dm.h.

#define DM_DEBUG _dmp,
_lvl   )     _dmp->dm_debug(_dmp,_lvl)

Definition at line 275 of file dm.h.

#define DM_BEGINDLIST _dmp,
_list   )     _dmp->dm_beginDList(_dmp,_list)

Definition at line 276 of file dm.h.

#define DM_ENDDLIST _dmp   )     _dmp->dm_endDList(_dmp)

Definition at line 277 of file dm.h.

#define DM_DRAWDLIST _dmp,
_list   )     _dmp->dm_drawDList(_dmp,_list)

Definition at line 278 of file dm.h.

#define DM_FREEDLISTS _dmp,
_range   )     _dmp->dm_freeDLists(_dmp,_list,_range)

Definition at line 279 of file dm.h.

#define XVARS_MV_O _m   )     offsetof(struct dm_xvars, _m)

Definition at line 38 of file dm_xvars.h.

Function Documentation

void glx_clearToBlack  ) 

void ogl_fogHint  ) 

void Pex_configure_window_shape  ) 

void Pex_establish_perspective  ) 

void Pex_set_perspective  ) 

void wgl_fogHint  ) 

DM_EXPORT int Dm_Init  ) 

DM_EXPORT struct dm* dm_open Tcl_Interp interp,
int  type,
int  argc,
char *  argv[]

DM_EXPORT int dm_share_dlist struct dm dmp1,
struct dm dmp2

DM_EXPORT fastf_t dm_Xx2Normal struct dm dmp,
register int  x

DM_EXPORT int dm_Normal2Xx struct dm dmp,
register fastf_t  f

DM_EXPORT fastf_t dm_Xy2Normal struct dm dmp,
register int  y,
int  use_aspect

DM_EXPORT int dm_Normal2Xy struct dm dmp,
register fastf_t  f,
int  use_aspect

DM_EXPORT void dm_fogHint struct dm dmp,
int  fastfog

DM_EXPORT int dm_processOptions  ) 

DM_EXPORT int dm_limit int  i  ) 

DM_EXPORT int dm_unlimit int  i  ) 

DM_EXPORT fastf_t dm_wrap fastf_t  f  ) 

DM_EXPORT void Nu_void  ) 

DM_EXPORT struct dm* Nu_open  ) 

DM_EXPORT int Nu_int0  ) 

DM_EXPORT unsigned Nu_unsign  ) 

DM_EXPORT int clip fastf_t ,
fastf_t ,
fastf_t ,

Referenced by rt_process_casec().

DM_EXPORT int vclip fastf_t ,
fastf_t ,
register fastf_t ,
register fastf_t

DM_EXPORT void dmo_drawAxes_cmd struct dm dmp,
fastf_t  viewSize,
mat_t  rmat,
point_t  axesPos,
fastf_t  axesSize,
int *  axesColor,
int *  labelColor,
int  lineWidth,
int  posOnly,
int  threeColor,
int  tickEnable,
int  tickLen,
int  majorTickLen,
fastf_t  tickInterval,
int  ticksPerMajor,
int *  tickColor,
int *  majorTickColor,
int  tickThreshold

unsigned long dm_get_pixel unsigned char  r,
unsigned char  g,
unsigned char  b,
long unsigned int *  pixels,
int  cd

void dm_copy_default_colors  ) 

void dm_allocate_color_cube  ) 

Variable Documentation

struct glx_vars head_glx_vars

struct pex_vars head_pex_vars

struct plot_vars head_plot_vars

struct ps_vars head_ps_vars

DM_EXPORT struct dm dm_Null

DM_EXPORT char dm_version[]

Generated on Mon Sep 18 01:25:47 2006 for BRL-CAD by  doxygen 1.4.6